Monday, October 26, 2009

So its been about six months if not longer since the last time I got on Blogspot to write anything and I thought tonight it was about time to pick it back up. So much has happened since the last time I posted anything I feel like our whole lives have changed, for the better. So we finally moved back home like we were hoping for and bought an amazing house in Daphne that I would have never dreamed we would be living in. If you would have told me a year ago that this is where I would be laying my head down every night I would have laughed, God is so good! Ramsey is still getting adjusted to running on hardwood floors but I think he likes not getting in trouble from neighbors below for playing with his ball. We joined a new church and have made so many new friends, something we definently were missing when living in Dothan. Its nice to finally have young Christian friends to have things to do with during the week and weekends. It makes the weekdays go by a lot quicker :)
Seth and I both have new jobs as well. Im still selling drugs, now working for a company called Strativa, and LOVE IT!! Best company I could have ever dreamed of working for. Seth has a new job too, also in sales, pretty much doing the same thing. Its fun because we get to pal around and do lunches in doctors offices together a lot and pretend we're not husband/wife. So life has been pretty good to us lately. We have no complaints here. Oh and my sister is pregnant so Im going to be an aunt next year! More to follow later...


  1. Hey! I was just thinking about you last week! I'm so glad to hear that things are going well with you two. Congrats on the new house & new jobs! Please post more often! ; )

  2. Its about time you got back on here! Good to finally catch up!
